Four years ago, Nia and myself gazed at two jars full of coins on our working desk, and we thought how wonderful it would be if we could use those coins to send more kids back to school. We counted the coins and the amount could actually cover a child’s tuition fee in elementary school. We blogged about this idea (that later on we called Coin A Chance!) and invited our friends to participate in sending more Indonesian kids back to school; hoping that we could get 5 more friends to donate their coins. The news spread so much faster than we thought and on our first Coin Collecting Day, we got 30 people instead of 5, bringing along their jars of coins that all weighed around 15 kilograms.
Four years later, we are still counting coins. All in all, around 60 kids have gone back to school (some have graduated from high school) thanks to our Coiners and Droppers in different cities across Indonesia. Coin A Chance! organizers in different cities—most of them are university students; volunteered to organize Coin Collecting Days in their cities, find the kids, and take care of all the administration procedures to send these kids back to school. We could not thank them enough for their kindness, their dedication, their time, and their enthusiasm.
Today, we’d like to thank each and everyone of you who have supported us since 2008 until today: volunteers, donors, coiners, droppers, friends, colleagues, onliners, corporations and institutions, schools, journalists… you have been such an amazing part of our wonderful journey.
Thank you so much.
11 Responses
Happy Anniversary! It is a wonderful milestone and I commend you for making such a wonderful difference in the world.
Thank you so much, sweety! :’D
waaaaw …sudah empat tahun ya? time flies… nggak terasa ya! keep up the good work …peluk Hanny dan Nia 😀
Ndoro! *peluk-peluk* kamu kan juga yang pertama nge-blog itu juga ndor ^o^
Sudah empat tahunn… semoga lancar terus ya kak hanny 😀
salam hangat..
Amin, amin, amin 🙂 terima kasih, yaaa… *salam krincing*
Ah tak terasa… sudah 4 tahun, menginspirasi untuk ada Coin A Chance ditempat lain… 😀
Aaaaw, semoga ya, semakin banyak anak Indonesia yang bisa tetap sekolah :’)
Amin mbak… 🙂
Reblogged this on AHKath's Blog and commented:
The most inspiring story and the great initiative taken by @Beradadisini and @Nia in Indonesia.
goodluck for another years Han ^^