[Okay, take a deep breath… inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale]
In life, shit happens. Today, I’ve accidentaly deleted my blog when I was about to change its settings.
What can you do when shit happens? You can feel sorry for what had happened, and then you can move on. I’ve decided to move on … with or without my previous postings. Wish me luck.
[Now I need to comfort myself with a cup of coffee]
5 Responses
ah.. that answered my question why your blog looks different. ^^ kalau tersimpan draft-draft postingannya, bisa diupload ulang ^^
berita dari windry tentang menghilangnya isi blog ini membuatku sedikit shock^^
~ayu fortherose yang masih kaget~
Windry: Draft-draftnya? Nggak ada win … hiks hiks hiks wong terhapus sama blog-blognya. Cuma abis itu aku langsung daftar baru lagi dengan URL yang sama, untung masih available.
Ayu: Aku juga masih kaget, kok…
Selamat atas kelahiran blog nya ?? dah berapa tahun ?? dah bisa apa aja ?? hahahahhaa
duh… kacian… pantesan waktu dun pertama masuk, terus masuk lagi, lha kok jadi gini??? tapi tetep ok kok. splinters bangedh dah! salam y buat moshi…