A very simple and perfect recipe for a rainy afternoon!
Choco-Apple Pancake recipe:
- 1 cup of flour
- 2 tbsp of cocoa powder
- 3 tbsp of sugar (you can add more sugar if you like it sweet)
- 1 tsp of baking powder
- 3/4 cup of chocolate milk
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp of melted butter
- slices of apples
- Whisk 3/4 cup of chocolate milk, egg and melted butter
- Pour the liquid mixture into a bowl of dry ingredients: flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder. Stir well.
- Heat your non-stick frying pan, test the heat by sprinkling a few flecks of the batter onto the pan.
- Pour about 3 tablespoons from the batter to the center of the frying pan.
- Flip the pancake gently when you have seen bubbles popping around the edges.
- Serve hot with slices of apples.
You can enjoy this pancake with an addition of honey and some sprinkles of cinnamon, accompanied by a cup of hot sweet tea! Happy tea-time! ^^
9 Responses
beneran ini hanny hand made, hehehe
beneran, dong! gampang banget kok! 😀 eh komennya udah nggak ketangkep akismet ya? 😀
bisa bikin cupcake nggak?
Ih bisa, dong, kan sudah banyak resep cupcake di siniiii 😀 coba main-main ke #kitchen dong 😛
kok fotonya dibuat pudar gini warnanya? jadi kurang bisa menghayati rasanya :p
lagi pengen vintage ceritanya 😀 baiklah nanti kalo makanan kita tetap pakai warna biasa ya! 😀
kayaknya enaaaak, takaran resep segitu jadinya berapa lembar pancake mbak ?
Aku waktu itu jadi 8 😀
eh iyaaa, 1 cup tepung itu kira2 takarannya berapa mbak ya ? beneran mau nyoba nih :p