No wonder Einstein was so curious about time. Time, indeed, is a curious matter. The way it flexes still perplex me. Unstoppable, it marks you with invisible scars and unseen beauty. It’s like an old record store where your whole life’s on display. Browsing through the shelves, you pick the one with the prettiest sleeve on summer; the gloomiest during winter. Sometimes I wonder, whether lovers are made for a lifetime or (only) for a lovetime. And memories, are those actually traces of our long-gone past, or silent prayers for the wishful future?
*)written over Owl City’s Hello Seattle. and if you love the illustration I’m using here, please visit Alicia’s blog: for more beautiful illustrations to provoke your imagination 🙂
3 Responses
holaaaa sista ^_^
hiii! 😀 ke mana ajaaa :p