
Lo tau gak sih? Hidup tuh bener-bener pelawak yang gak lucu. Jayus!!! Maksud gue, ini kayak lelucon April Mop gitu, yang bikin lo shock, kaget, dan pas lo tau semuanya, lo pengen ketawa ngakak tapi lo cuma bisa nyengir bego. Ngerti maksud gue? Ketawa garing, gitu. Karena semuanya tiba-tiba jadi gak lucu abisss!

Terus lo mulai nanya,”Kenapa mesti gue? Kenapa begini? What the hell was this?”–dan jadi gila karena lo nggak tau mesti ketawa apa nangis.

Tapi gue juga tau, Han. Semua ini cuma lelucon besar. Yang gak lucu. Orang-orang aja yang suka nanggepinnya terlalu serius, pake bunuh diri segala, depresi-lah (ngecek stok mushroom bwahahahaha. oh, masih cukup buat malam ini).

Damn, gue mulai ngaco.

Tapi you got the point, kan, Han? Gila, kita mesti ketemu. I have so many stories to tell you. We need to catch up soon. Udah lama banget.

Lo gimana? I hope you’re doing great, as usual.



22 Responses

  1. Ini nih blog orang penting di Pesta Blogger, semoga acaranya sukses, Mbak…
    Dan akan benar0-benar akan menemukan lelucon yang tidak garing dan jayus dalam Pesta Blogger 2008…
    Sukses untuk semua panitia dan peserta Pesta Blogger….

  2. Hidup tergantung pengalaman masing-masing. Ada musimnya. Loe akan mengalami lucu, jayus, garing, ngakak, nangis, sedih, dan macam-macam yang akan terjadi. Hidup yang sudah saya jalani ada pahit, asem, manis, enak, gurih dan masih banyak lagi. Jalani aja, bro. Saya sudah mampir disini, ditunggu kunjungannya. Salam

  3. Eh,sob gwe mau nanya. . .klo msuk krja di kawan lama pke ijazah palsu bsa yah??soalnya tmen q msuk pke ijazah palsu, ,malsuin ijazah gwe lg diem”. . .
    Gmn perasaan loe semua sob kalo ijasah loe dipalsuin ma tmen loe sndri??
    Monyet tu,bukan org. .
    Bner gx sob.

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We tend to shape our memories of them based on the limited time we spend with them—and our memories of them, over time, will be replaced with one single word, one single interaction, or one single feeling.
Beradadisini Love Letter to Self
I took up a personal journaling project this week: writing a love letter to myself before bed. I work on a thin A6-size handmade paper journal I got from a paper artist, Els. The journal is thin and small enough, so it doesn't overwhelm me. It feels like I am only going to work on a small project.
Standing up for yourself does not have to look aggressive. It does not have to feel like a fight. It's not always about convincing others or explaining yourself and your decisions with the hope that everyone else understands or accepts your choice.
Hanny illustrator
I am an Indonesian writer/artist/illustrator and stationery web shop owner (Cafe Analog) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I love facilitating writing/creative workshops and retreats, especially when they are tied to self-exploration and self-expression. In Indonesian, 'beradadisini' means being here. So, here I am, documenting life—one word at a time.
