Hello to a lovely new beginning!!!
Finally, no more ‘it’s-complicated’ thing on my friendster profile, nor in my heart. I am now simply single, and … happy, and proud of being one 🙂 And yes, my heart does feel a little (no, a lot!) lighter.
I’m free to fly! Are you? 🙂
4 Responses
sini sini *peluk mode ON*
baik-baik ya dear
kelak kau akan bertemu dermaga dan membuang sauh.
sekarang, ayo nikmati hari-hari dengan lebih banyak berbagi dan tersenyum dan bersyukur 😉
Rumusnya sederhana: just do it! [kayak iklan komersil] Tapi, gw sendiri masih susah soal implementasinya. 😉
Well, life goes on… And it’s too short to stop on a spot. Carpe diem!
Atta: Amin, Ta … thanks a lot for your lovely support ;p
Hawe: Hmm, (menatap curiga), emang lo juga masih ‘stuck in a moment’, ya, Gung? 🙂 huehuehuehue belum pernah dibahas, nih? ;p Let’s soar!!!
congrat… and oh, welcome to da club!