Hari ini (during lunch) secara nggak sengaja saya mendapat penegasan mengenai berita bahwa someone in the office bakal resign on sept 1st. Ternyata bener ya, he’s gonna leave us. So sad. Padahal saya masih pengen belajar banyak dari orang itu. I always consider him as a bright person with bright ideas … tiap kali ngobrol sama dia selalu dapetin ilmu baru, soalnya.

Pertama kali masuk kantor dan denger orang ini angkat suara di internal meeting, pulangnya saya sama lil-Q langsung ngebahas tentang dia. Dan kita sepakat bahwa orang yang satu ini memang smart banget! (sama kayak istrinya… cute couple ^_^) And he surely knows how to motivate people. Wahhh, hari-hari setelah 1 September bakal jadi sepi banget, nih! (menghela napas).

Sedihnya lagi, masih di tanggal 1 September yang sama, Jonte juga bakal balik ke Dedham. Yaaaaah, berarti harus nunggu 1 tahun lagi sampai orang gila yang satu ini pulang ke Indo. Itu juga kalo dia pulang. Saya sih turut mendoakan biar dia bisa dapet kerjaan di US, ya. Karena gimana pun, dapet kerjaan di sana jauh lebih menjanjikan dari di sini, kok.

Cuma … yaaa kangen aja, karena jadi nggak ada lagi pembicaraan-pembicaraan bodoh setiap weekend … hahaha. Gak ada lagi kebingungan di dalem mobil ketika nggak tau mau nongkrong di mana (semua tempat tongkrongan di Bogor udah dikunjungin, soalnya). Tapi that’s fine. Toh ini juga kita baru ketemu lagi setelah 4 tahun terpisah … tapi obrolan kita masih nyambung-nyambung aja. Lagian dulu-dulu juga kita tetep seru ngobrol lewat e-mail atau telepon (kalo lagi kaya).

Duh, kehilangan seseorang tuh memang nggak pernah mudah, ya? Walaupun saya tau, ketika kita melepaskan seseorang dan membiarkan dia pergi, itu berarti kita juga membiarkan orang lain datang ke dalam kehidupan kita dan meninggalkan kenangan lain untuk kita ingat selamanya.

Just remember the fact: that everything happens for a reason.

Bahwa sebenernya semua orang yang kita temui meninggalkan pelajaran-pelajaran tertentu buat kita. Bahwa nggak peduli apakah orang-orang ini sudah kita kenal seumur hidup atau baru kita kenal selama satu-dua hari, mereka semua hadir untuk mengajari kita sesuatu. Kadang-kadang kita nggak pernah tau pelajaran apa yang kita dapat dari mereka sampai berbulan-bulan kemudian. Kadang-kadang kita nggak pernah tau alasan kenapa kita dipertemukan dengan seseorang sampai bertahun-tahun kemudian. Tapi yang pasti setiap orang yang kita temui meninggalkan jejak dalam hidup kita … and they’ve changed us into who we are now.

Seperti kata Chester Swor dalam puisinya “Brush Against The Walls of My Life” (my favorite poem of all times!):

It seems
wherever I go
people come into my life and go out of it
touching me where I can feel it
then leaving only a memory
like the fairy tales of childhood;
and I wasn’t through knowing them yet.

How do you know
when you are seeing for the last time?
How do you stop
together and keep all those around you that
you’ve ever known and loved?

And how do you keep
fairy tales from losing their magic?

So come–
brush against the walls of my life
and stay long enough for us to know each other,
even though you know
we’ll have to part sometime;
and we both know
the longer you stay the more I’ll want you back
when you are gone.

But come anyway
cause fairy tales are the happiest stories I know
and great books are made of little chapters.


2 Responses

  1. A similar version of this poem by Chester Swor was recently used at a friend’s Memorial Service. I’d like to locate the correct version before passing it on to friends. For instance, the second stanza begins: How do I know who I am seeing for the last time?” and the title is Fairy Tales. Do you know the title of the book in which this appeared? If you own it, is your version an exact copy of the poem?
    Thank you for the help,

  2. Baca ini sedih banget,reminds me to cherish every moment with everyone I know, because we don’t know what will happen tommorow. Today is all we have…

If you made it this, far, please say 'hi'. It really means a lot to me! :)

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Beradadisini Love Letter to Self
I took up a personal journaling project this week: writing a love letter to myself before bed. I work on a thin A6-size handmade paper journal I got from a paper artist, Els. The journal is thin and small enough, so it doesn't overwhelm me. It feels like I am only going to work on a small project.
Standing up for yourself does not have to look aggressive. It does not have to feel like a fight. It's not always about convincing others or explaining yourself and your decisions with the hope that everyone else understands or accepts your choice.
Hanny illustrator
I am an Indonesian writer/artist/illustrator and stationery web shop owner (Cafe Analog) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I love facilitating writing/creative workshops and retreats, especially when they are tied to self-exploration and self-expression. In Indonesian, 'beradadisini' means being here. So, here I am, documenting life—one word at a time.
