Jam 9 malam.

Di teras depan rumah saya, kami duduk-duduk bertiga. Saya, Dimas, dan Jonte. Dimulai dari komentar Jonte soal air kolam ikan yang jernih banget dan ikan-ikan saya yang gendut-gendut … lantas pembicaraan jadi beralih ke masalah percintaan. They were smoking, I was coughing.

It all started when someone called Dimas up. What a lucky guy! Kemudian kami jadi ngomongin soal karma. Kata Jonte, semua cowok punya ban serep. It means, ketika seorang cowok lagi ngejar satu cewek, dia juga punya satu cewek lagi yang dia deketin in case dia ditolak sama cewek incerannya. Kami bertiga setuju dengan pernyataan itu.

Saya bilang, semua cewek nggak mau kehilangan penggemar. It means, seorang cewek akan terus ngeladenin mantan-mantan cowoknya, atau orang-orang yang pernah suka sama dia or still have a crush on her … karena dia nggak mau kehilangan perhatian cowok-cowok itu. Lagi-lagi, kami bertiga setuju dengan pernyataan itu.

Finally, Jonte bilang, “Katanya semua cowok itu one day bakalan selingkuh!”

Saya dan Dimas setuju sama pernyataan itu. Tapi Jonte bilang dia nggak setuju. Dia bilang itu salah banget. Karena dia nggak merasa pernah selingkuh. Oh, OK. Sepuluh tahun saya kenal dia, dia memang nggak pernah selingkuh. Akhirnya, saya bilang: “Kamu BELUM pernah selingkuh. Belum aja. But one day you will.”

Jonte bilang dia mau buktiin bahwa pernyataan di atas nggak benar. Setelah menghabiskan segelas Coca-Cola (lagi) dan waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul setengah sebelas malam, Dimas dan Jonte cabut pulang. Sementara saya langsung masuk rumah untuk mandi dan tidur.

Tapi saya masih bertanya-tanya:
Guys, be honest, setuju nggak kalian kalau saya bilang : SEMUA COWOK ONE DAY BAKALAN SELINGKUH?


If you made it this, far, please say 'hi'. It really means a lot to me! :)

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We tend to shape our memories of them based on the limited time we spend with them—and our memories of them, over time, will be replaced with one single word, one single interaction, or one single feeling.
Beradadisini Love Letter to Self
I took up a personal journaling project this week: writing a love letter to myself before bed. I work on a thin A6-size handmade paper journal I got from a paper artist, Els. The journal is thin and small enough, so it doesn't overwhelm me. It feels like I am only going to work on a small project.
Standing up for yourself does not have to look aggressive. It does not have to feel like a fight. It's not always about convincing others or explaining yourself and your decisions with the hope that everyone else understands or accepts your choice.
Hanny illustrator
I am an Indonesian writer/artist/illustrator and stationery web shop owner (Cafe Analog) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I love facilitating writing/creative workshops and retreats, especially when they are tied to self-exploration and self-expression. In Indonesian, 'beradadisini' means being here. So, here I am, documenting life—one word at a time.
