Started in 2007, at least once a year, I travel alone. It doesn’t really matter how far or how close the destination is. The idea is simply to go to a foreign place, a place where you know no one, alone. It’s not that I dislike travelling with friends. I do enjoy spending summer with my best friends: shopping and partying with the girls and going poetically mellow in a remote village with the boys. But travelling alone gives a different kind of pleasure. It’s more of a journey to know who you really are, better.

Travelling alone gives you a lot of time to spend with yourself, to do things as you wish, to see things that you want, to spend more or less time in places that you find most or least interesting, to say yes or no to a stranger’s invitation for a drink without having to consult anyone, to spend your time doing nothing—or anything, for that matter. To me, it’s an opportunity to wander around, to daydream, to write, to read, to draw, to take pictures, and most importantly: to think.

The most interesting part is, when travelling alone, you have no one to accompany you but yourself. It’s a great test to see how much you like being in your own company. Do you see yourself as a good friend; someone you can feel comfortable with, or someone you can’t stand? Do you see yourself as someone you can count on to? Will yourself disappoint or fulfill you? Can you make peace with your own thoughts, worries, fears, dreams, passions?

Travelling alone also teaches you in a humble way. It makes you see things with lovingness. Deep down inside, you realize that if things go wrong somehow, you can only rely upon the kindness of fellow strangers or locals you meet along the way. This makes you see everyone around you as a good friend. You feel happy and generous in offering directions to someone who seems lost, helping those who carry a lot of stuff while trying to lift their luggage to the pavement, cleaning the table once you’ve finished eating, or running—chasing for a baby hat that’s being blown away by the wind. A pleasant smile, a short stop to chat about the places you’ve been yesterday and places you’re about to go today, a polite nod with a hello, an exchange of good-mornings, a waving of the hand, a simple thank-you note after a great meal, a farewell card, a bottle of wine as a friendly gift.

This year, I went to Santorini in Kikhlades, Greece, alone. I’ve been reading Greek mythology books since I was in elementary school, and have always been interested in the country—but Santorini drew me in when I saw it for the first time on TV and postcards as a teenager. The picturesque island looked like a distant dream, a place hidden somewhere inside a fairy tale. However, I always believe that everything—no matter how small, no matter how big, starts with the courage to dream. And until today, there’s always a place for fairy tale in this world. When you’re patient enough to hold on to it, you can have your own, too.

Just. Don’t. Let. Go.


On these series:


520 Responses

  1. Traveling alone is something I cannot describe about. Sometimes, it full of fear, yet it is beautiful with the fact that we are alone but not lonely. We, ourselves, are great company. Indeed. Like this post, Hanny 🙂

  2. hi…first time visiting your blog 🙂 Nice photographs!
    I agree…traveling solo is the most rewarding and humbling experience… higher awareness of myself and the surroundings. How we enjoy everything and how we deal with things…show how we take the life in reality 🙂

      1. hello, thank you for sharing. I also like to take me on “dates”, today, for example, I will take me for a kayak day.
        the subject of your photos are very pleasant to look at. Please tell me, how do you put your copyright mark on the bottom? ( I have a blog too and would like to do it as well) Thank you, keep living your dream for this inspires others to do the same…

  3. I’ve recently discovered that I prefer to travel alone. Most of the time, during travel with friends, I always sneak out and try to find some ‘me time’. One solo travel each year. That’s a good plan.

  4. I also like traveling alone, han. I even did most of my trips alone. I don’t know, but being alone in a place where you know no one always sounds more challenging and appealing to me.

    Unlike what you said, though, not everybody I met was a good friend. You know that it’s usual to ask or be asked for a cigarette in European countries. I did it to some people and vice versa in a number of countries. But in Belgie–I haven’t forgotten this though a year has passed :))–I asked someone to borrow his lighter, which was on the table, just to light my cigarette, then I’d give it back. He clicked his tongue, said no, and resumed talking to his friends. I’ve never liked that country again since and decided not to pay any more visit *lebay*

    Anyhow, I’ve never set foot on Greece, but it looks pretty interesting from your post and pictures. Gotta plan a visit, it seems 😀

    1. I have only set foot in Santorini, though, and so far, it was the best vacation in my life, ever. Not only about the beautiful surroundings—but mostly about the people, the kindest and friendliest people I’ve encountered along my journey 🙂

  5. i wish i was as brave as you, i don’t even dare to go anywhere alone though i often try to find some me-time when i was surrounded by my friends.
    and about Santorini… hell yeah it looks too beautiful! 🙂

    1. You’ll find your own time, at your own pace, in your own convenience. Don’t rush it. Just enjoy things as they passed 🙂 And indeed, Santorini is such a gem! 🙂

  6. ahhhh mba, nahan napas bacanyaaaa… Santorini sungguuuuh laahh, dirimu sungguh menginspirasiku dan mengibarkan tibetan prayer flags demi Santorini.. hehehehee.. I love your writing mba, thanks to Astrid yang nge RT twit mu heeheheh

  7. I want I want I want…. Aaa.. mau solo travellingnya… And once a year solo travelling, that would be so great. Thanks for sharing your inspiration Hanny! *hugs*

      1. Makasih Hanny for your encouragement :* ^^… Almost traveled alone awal tahun ini, tapi tiba-tiba menjadi traveling rame-rame.. hahaha. Should have one sometimes soon 😉

        1. Kalo lagi traveling rame-rame gitu kayak sama si Adit ama Ney juga kita suka misah kok. Jadi pagi-pagi pergi sendiri-sendiri, nanti baru janjian malemnya ketemu lagi 😛 Itu bisa dicoba juga 😀

  8. I believe in the philosophy of spending a lot of time alone and loving oneself. Traveling alone is an epitome of loving oneself completely. Great pics:)

  9. I had to travel alone since I started travelling to the Middle East. All my friends were too scared to join me. It’s sometimes lonely, but definitely better than not travelling at all or travelling with a boring sucker.

    1. Hahahahah! I know what you mean :)) I love the Middle East and South Asia. It’s not an easy traveling destination, but it’s magnetic to me! Love the colours, the culture, the food, and exactly because it’s not a traveling destination for everyone, I am more compelled to go there 😀

  10. I’ve always wanted to travel alone, i’m a single mother and not too wealthy! however i always make this suggestion to friends of mine, who travel often. they never go for it though. Sounds awesome to me! opinions on traveling alone with my child? maybe no where to far….who knows.

    1. It’s OK, whether it’s close or far, doesn’t really matter, as long as we enjoy it and ready to open up for new things! 🙂 It’s the journey, not the distance, that matters 😉

  11. The one challenge I always found with travelling alone is that when I would return home it was almost immediately that I felt as if I had never left, with no one to reminisce with to help bring back the memories and experiences we had shared.

    A friend recently introduced me to the idea of taking time before setting out on a journey to envision some of the new things I want to discover/learn as I enter a new space…while I have always loved my solitary adventures, this kind of purposeful looking ahead has made time spent travelling on my own not only a pleasant repose but a chance to discover and nurture new dimensions of myself in a way that doesn’t fade so quickly after returning home!

    1. That’s why I’m writing this blogpost 😀 When I got back from traveling alone, I remember all the details and feelings, and write about it in my blog as a series, it could go from part 1 to part 7 :)) Just to make the memory lasts longer and doesn’t fade away so quickly!!! 😀 Hmm, it’s really interesting, what you said, to envision some new things to discover! I’ll do that in my next trip! Challenging, but sounds very exciting to me! 🙂

    1. Anna! I love this part of your blogpost:

      “Maybe this is what I should let go of most this time. Other’s thoughts. It doesn’t matter what they think as long as I am happy within myself. It isn’t their life I am living. I live my own.”

    1. THANKS A BUNCH! ^o^ Yes, I quite like to see how I can see things differently, as a person, when I’m traveling alone—rather than see things ‘collectively’ when traveling in a group 🙂

  12. This is such a wonderful post! I love traveling alone, anywhere and for any duration of time. It really puts you in touch with yourself, and allows you to notice that things that fascinate and engage you, without influence from others. Great shots too! 🙂

    1. Oh, hello, fellow solo-traveler! 🙂 Nice to hear from you, Erin! Thanks for dropping by and leave such a sweet comment! *cheers for our next ‘traveling-alone’ episode* [clink]

  13. That is such a wonderful idea. I need to try this traveling alone thing 🙂 I went to Greece two years ago and it’s hard not to fall in love with the beautiful colors of nature and the vibrant colors of the domes. Hope you have a blast!

    1. Oh, I had a blast! Greece is beautiful—well, I didn’t get a chance to go somewhere else, only in Santorini, but that was the best vacation in my life ever :’)

  14. As a person who has taken a few vacations alone, the first when I was only 18 (and only because my friend backed out and my father told me I’d have to back out too since I could never go alone, so I had to prove him wrong), I agree with everything you wrote. It is something everyone should experience at least once. Well done!!

  15. There are times when travelling alone is totally the way to go! Sounds like you had a great time – photos are amazing. I am getting ready for my next big solo voyage (last one was to bicycle across Canada on my own) – the next solo adventure – walk the St James way of the Camino de Santiago! Not long to go before I start! So excited. Thanks for sharing and congrats on FP!

  16. I’ve always enjoyed travelling by myself, especially to historical/ cultural places- noone to complain about spending hours in a world-class museum and noone to have to drag out of bed in the early morning to avoid the queues. Your photos are stunning, by the way.

    1. I know the feeling! I love to stroll around inside museums/galleries as well, sometimes just sit looking at a painting or write for hours there 😀 So, that’s one of the privilege of traveling alone, nobody is hurrying you up 😀 Thanks so much for dropping by!

  17. I love this. Your photos are gorgeous! I used to travel alone a lot when I was younger. Sometimes I miss that. The joy of answering only to yourself – there is nothing like it. Don’t stop that tradition!

  18. I love traveling on my own … last year I went to St Petersburg … you get to do and see what you want, no compromise needed, you meet people and you can just be you

  19. I love traveling alone too…. It started out of necessity the first time I backpacked through Europe– I wanted to go, but none of my friends had the time/money… And it was so amazing that I have since spent months abroad, wandering the streets alone…. And for the big trips, probably wouldn’t have it any other way. Glad I’m not alone 😉 awesome pictures, by the way!

  20. Amazing and I love Santorini! Really beautiful insight into taking time to get to know yourself and what better way than in interesting places…

  21. Very nice post, I also agree. It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy travelling alone, and a little bit of experience helps. You learn so much about yourself and others, and have entirely different experiences to when you travel in company. Just can’t get enough. The way the end of the post turned into a scene from Cliffhanger is funny too 🙂

  22. What a journey – inner and outer! I really belive in the idea that by moving away from your usual environment you can see more clearly who you are and in what direction you want to grow further.

      1. Those are my favorite 😉 when I tell people about those journeys, though, they look at me strangely. Hmmmm. They’re missing out!

        Will visit your blog again, you must have some interesting introspection on this blog if you were able to write a post as thoughtful as this.

        Love and magical kisses,

  23. The best vacation I ever had was by myself in Montana. I was supposed to go with a group of friends and everyone else backed out. I REALLY wanted to go, so I went by myself. There is nothing quite like having to only worry about one person. 🙂

    1. Yaay to that, Mindy! *cheers* :)) Apparently there are quite a lot of you who started your solo traveling experience because a group of friend backed out :))

  24. I really loved this post — as you so well captured the emotional experience of being alone on the road, esp. as a (young) woman. I’ve been all over the world by myself and I loved traveling alone, but you’re right, you’ve got to be open to new people and experiences. I’ve never (yet!) been to Greece and look forward to it. I thought your photos were lovely as well. Congrats on being FPed!

    I blogged about how to travel alone safely as a woman and it’s still one of my most popular posts….

    1. Thank you! Am visiting your blog now! 🙂 Yes, I think the state of mind you’re in when you’re traveling alone will also determine the way you see the journey. Surely won’t be a good experience if you’re in such a bad mood!

  25. I love spending time alone- taking myself on ‘dates’, etc. But the only traveling I’ve done solo have been road trips. This post was inspiring- and I have a fascination with Santorini! Thanks for writing!
    Check me out at sometime!

  26. The photos are beautiful! But what I loved most are your thoughts on travelling alone. I had never thought about it in this light. Wow! You make it sound so awesome and exciting. I think I’m going to try it out, someday soon. Loved your post! You deserved to be Freshly Pressed! Congratulations on it! 🙂

  27. Since my first international trip in 2006 (with a friend) I have had the travel bug. I try to go to at LEAST one “new” place every year… and have at least one “solo adventure” each year. As much as I enjoy the moments shared with someone along the way, I find that I experience places more deeply on my own, when I am not filtering any of the experience through any eyes by mine. Glad to find a kindred spirit here!

  28. Wonderful post! I travel alone often. I particularly love a long road trip. It offers me a place to think deeply, be enriched by new culture and new surroundings and to recharge my spirit. It almost feels like a special place of solitiude for me. Love the blog, I’ll be following 🙂

    1. Oh, thanks so much! Do come and visit Indonesia when you have the opportunity! 🙂 Please stay in touch and cheers to the upcoming ‘travel-alone’ journeys! ^^

  29. I just got back from USA a week ago after completing a study abroad program for five months. I was all alone and it was the best time of my life. Even though I have traveled alone before but your blog made me realize the small changes I feel from within. Amazing work.

  30. Solo travel — no husband, no friend, no family — is something I have yet to do but have always wanted to do. I feel that this year is it for me, and reading this further inspires to start rolling out the plan. Thanks for this beautiful piece! 🙂

  31. Hello ! Oh how excited I became when I found your blog today! I agree one hundred percent that traveling alone is the only way to go. It will touch you and change you. Last year, I went to Crete Greece for eight weeks by myself and I am 65 years old. I spent most of that time living in a small village in a traditional Creatan cottage. I became part of the village and they began to know me. It was amazing! I was still there this time last year and I miss it all so much. I have just begun to write about my solo adventures and this phase of my life on my new blog….I’m still learning how it is done.
    This year I am not going abroad, but I am going solo to Florida USA for 6 weeks, to an area known for it’s Greek heritage….one of my favorite places.
    I’ll be back to visit you again soon.

    1. I felt the same way, too! Am only spending 5 days in Santorini and on my 2nd/3rd day I’ve been waving to familiar faces and greet the locals with their first name! :)) That is such a pleasant feeling! It feels like you’re at home. I’ll be looking forward to read your journey in your blog! Have fun with your Florida trip! 🙂

  32. It takes a measure of bravery to travel alone. Your post offers food for thought. My daughter has done it, but I never have travelled to a different country all by myself.
    Santorini is a beautiful place. We stopped there two years ago and I hope to return sometime. Thank you for sharing your trip and photos.

    1. Good to know! Some of my friends stop traveling after they got married, well, I do understand that they may have other priorities in life, but it’s always relieving to know that marriage doesn’t really stop you from exploring the world! 🙂

      1. How many times have you traveled alone since you first started it? Especially to foreign places? How about watching a movie alone? I actually prefer that more than watching movies with others.

  33. Thanks for sharing your blog about traveling alone and Santorini. One interesting fact that I wanted to share is Santorini is the site of one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history! Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.

    1. I love what you said about the fact that we do travel alone all through life. It is true we are not always “alone” per se, but that we experience it personally, individually. Thanks.

  34. I love to travel alone but most people (especially the husband!) won’t understand. Sigh. I used to be a flight attendant and loved exploring each city by myself.. I still do! nice blog by the way!

  35. Lovely photos and post! I tried having a solo vacation for the first time this year. London – a safe choice (i.e. no language barrier, excellent public transportation, etc.). Will try to be more adventurous next year. 🙂

    Congrats on being featured!

  36. Beguiling photos, especially the green and blue gates. Really makes you want to see what’s inside. I have travelled alone, and enjoy it. It can be a bit lonely, and sometimes you miss things, but better to travel alone than not at all!

  37. I stumbled upon this post very randomly and just wanted to let you know that in a month’s time I will be leaving the town I grew up in and moving away. I don’t know where, and I don’t know how it will end up, but I’m going alone. I’m excited and scared, but thrilled at the opportunity to truly learn who I am. I really enjoyed this post and it encouraged me. Thanks 🙂

    1. Oh! Good luck with the moving! Hope you’ll find new things to cherish and your old experience can enrich your new life! 🙂 Wish you all the best, enjoy the journey, inside and out! 🙂

  38. Hello Hanny! Love the depth of color and contrast in your photos. I appreciate the vulnerability in your words.
    Do you read romance by chance? A friend of mine just had a book published: Santorini Sunset by Claire Croxton. You may enjoy it since you’ve been to Santorini. I know it’s one of Claire’s favorite places. And, you might enjoy connecting with a published author.
    Thank you for sharing your world,
    Linda Joyce

    1. Hi, Linda! Yes, I read… almost everything! Romance is always a nice read. Will try to look up for the book in Amazon. Thanks for letting me know about it! The title sounds lovely already (and the golden sunset there is amazing)! Am in the process of writing a novel about Santorini as well, so fingers crossed! Stay in touch, Linda!

        1. Hi! Novel? Hmm, always about the discovery of feelings and love 🙂 Yes, we have a writing circle here in Indonesia – is one of the circle. This is my first project:, waiting for my 2nd short stories’ anthology to be published next month, and now working on my 3rd project 😀 Stay in touch!

  39. This was lovely to read as I am taking my first solo trip later this year and am getting waves of nervousness occasionally. It’s nice to hear you enjoy it 🙂 Becky x

  40. In about 5 hours I will be traveling alone to Korea to write and teach. Exciting, but also challenging. There is something rewarding, though, in knowing that I have only myself to rely upon.

    1. OH! Korea! To write and teach? That’s amazing! I used to give private English lesson to Korean students here in Indonesia. Oh, am so looking forward to your stories there. Wishing you the best of luck! 🙂 Keep in touch, Shay!

  41. I completely understand what you mean… though I am not able to travel far and wide, I did choose to sleep in my car for a year awhile back… got rid of most everything I owned and began a journey back to myself… understanding how I feel about me, knowing that no matter what, I’ve got my own back… it was very nourishing… sometimes difficult… but it gave me a gift I don’t think any other lifestyle could have given me.

    Thanks so much for this post. The photos are stunning and the message was delivered beautifully.

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks so much, Currie! Oh, you have such an inspiring story to tell there! I used to dream when I was a child, if I have to leave home and can only bring with me one small backpack, what are the things I’ll put inside it? It makes me think about things that are important to me and how these things can help me in “building a new life”. Have a nice day, Currie!

  42. Beautiful images, thanks for sharing! I too have travelled alone, and like you said it’s a really great experience and more different to travelling with others than you’d expect it to be. You learn so much about yourself that no matter how long or how far you go it’s an enriching experience purely from that point of view.

    1. Thank you! The part about learning oneself is just amazing, you become so aware of what you are capable/not capable of doing, what you like/dislike, and sometimes it’s also a test to see how far you can go from here (in life) 🙂

  43. I totally agree. Of all the travels throughout my life, the most satisfying destinations were those I traveled alone. Even the struggles that come with it make them the most blissful experiences one can have.

  44. You’ve hit the nail right on the head. As much as I love trips with friends and loved ones, sometimes I feel the pull of travelling solo. There’s an endless list of things to discover and confront about yourself when you do. At the same time, on solo trips, it becomes less and less about the logistics, and more and more about the destination. 🙂

    1. True, and the “destination” can be very personal as well, it could have something to do with achieving a personal goal, learning new things, seeing things from different perspectives, or even making peace with your feelings 🙂

  45. I’ve always wanted to go to Santorini! someday I will too 🙂 If it’s not too much to ask, I wonder if you can share some of your itinerary details, like where you stayed? how much did the whole vacation cost you? lol, you just made me plan my dream vacation xD
    great post btw!

    1. Sure! For the whole vacation itself, in Santorini for 5 days (flight tickets not included), it costs me around 350-400 Euros (including accommodation, meals—and some drinks, bus trips, excluding shopping for books and artworks) 😀 Am staying here: – a very nice place near to the city center (but not right in the middle of it so you can find solitude here), the family who runs the hotel is really friendly and nice and helpful, I feel like staying with a relative! 🙂

      1. Wow! you replied :’) I have to note this on my journal! I’m pretty sure it’d take me a few more years to be prepared, I’ll be daydreaming for now, and maybe scout on air fares. hahaha :))
        Thank you very much 😀

      1. 🙂 I love the write-up on how the Bookshop was created.
        And it’s just like I would imagine it: walls covered with books, view of the ocean…I wonder if they have a coffee/tea bar…perfect!

  46. Tavelling Alone? menurut aku salah satu yang berkesan adalah nyasarnya…hehehe. Pleased to meet you kak Hanny, I like your post so much! 🙂

  47. Amazing! My husband and I went to Santorini on our honeymoon and absolutely fell in love with it. Your pictures bring me back and your courage to travel solo is refreshing. Thank you for sharing!

  48. I have always enjoyed spending time alone. When you live in a hectic city, it almost becomes a necessity to spend time alone to maintain sanity! Unfortunately many don’t seem to understand this need. Traveling alone has been an unfulfilled dream of mine for some time now. Thank you for sharing the beauty of such an experience and making me more inspired to make my dream come true!

    1. True, am living in a hectic city as well, so it’s always nice to go to a place where things move slower and people are not rushing 🙂 I hope your dream will come true soon! Best of luck!

  49. A very enjoyable post! I love to travel alone, myself, especially when life seems to pile up on me and doesn’t give me room to think. I’ll sometimes just drive a little bit in the country to clear my head. Very beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!

    1. And thank you for sharing your thoughts here as well. Ah! Driving aimlessly is also something that I love (well, I don’t drive, so I should say: walking aimlessly) 😀

  50. Congrats on being freshly pressed! I agree with you that while travelling with friends can be great fun, sometimes it’s better to travel alone without the expectations of others. Anyway, I’m planning to do a long-term solo travel in the near future. While it sounds daunting, I’m definitely looking forward to it.

    Congrats on being freshly pressed! =)

    1. I am crying happy tears for being freshly-pressed! :’) This is one of the best days in my life! :’) Looking forward to your solo traveling stories! Please do blog about it! Am excited for you! 🙂

        1. Ah, hello! I travel to Malaysia quite frequently! Mostly for work! 😀 And have some very dear friends there as well! Should meet up when I’m there or when you’re here! 😉

          1. Yeah sure, that would be great! Actually my gf’s an Indonesian as well, I have only been to Indo twice so far but I reckon it won’t be long before the next trip. Let me know if you’re down at KL! =)

  51. Beautiful thoughts, beautiful picture! Especially the last one, so dreamy! I traveled alone once, and yeah, I felt “different’. I have to rely on myself to be active and strangers to help me out. It was great and I surely will do that again. Greece is such a gorgeous country, aside from all the economic challenges currently residing that country.

  52. I enjoyed travelling alone on short trips like 2-3 days but did not go for more than that but after your lovely blog I guess I am going to do it soon. Thanks again for this nice post

    1. Thank you! I started with a 2-day journey on my first “traveling-alone” journey 🙂 So, I think, the more often you do it, the more comfortable you are to extend the length of your journey 🙂 or maybe you just like yourself better by then! 😉

    1. Wish you all the best! You’ll do just fine, I believe! 🙂 Thank you for leaving your trace here! Maybe we should start forming a “solo-traveler” club 😛

    1. Oh! It’s okay to feel nervous, I feel that, too! But there’s a healthy dose of excitement as well, so I can say it’s pretty balance! 🙂 Good luck with your journey, hope you’ll be having fun, getting loads of beautiful memories to keep—and of course, lots of stories to tell! 🙂

  53. I love the idea of traveling alone….however, I sometimes let my fear get in the way. Kudos to you for take such a fab vacation with “me, myself and I” You Matter. Smiles, Nancy

    1. Hi, Nancy! It’s OK, when the time is right, you’ll just pack your bag and leave. The fear/worries will always be there, but you’re also enjoying and appreciating new things along the way, so I think it will make a good balance 😉 Thanks again for dropping by, Nancy! Hope to stay in touch! 🙂

      1. You’re right! I probably have that same worry feeling every time I am packing my bags to go anywhere….alone or not. I’m going to have to come up with a destination…..just a short one for starts. You Matter! Smiles, Nancy

  54. I stumbled upon your blog…very nice! I am one that loves alone time weather be traveling or just at home. I think it is very important for the growth of an individual. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Stumble upon your blog randomly…Great post! I absolutely agree..I promise myself a trip away every year, alone, as well. It is a gift for myself!

  55. Beautiful pictures there! Seems like heaven. Although I am used to traveling to local places and going to cinema alone (it’s hard to find company these days, you know) I haven’t experienced traveling alone to far off destinations so far, but I would definitely love to be able to do so and rediscover myself (admittedly it does feel lonely). Undoubtedly, it’s better than not traveling at all.

    1. True, and there are chances that you’ll meet new friends/people along the journey, it makes the whole experience more exciting and richer as well! I did go to cinemas alone :)) As long as I can have my butter popcorn! 😛 But now am enjoying watching DVDs in my room 😀

  56. I love this post! I am in complete agreement on the virtues of solo traveling. Everyone should do at least one trip alone in their lifetime. They will learn so much about themselves and how they are able to deal with the world around them. It’s a great idea to do it yearly too – I’m sure it helps to keep you grounded. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  57. Really, you are absolutely true in a way that its really little bit hard and more n more important to know your self than others and its possible if you are surrounded by others…

  58. Love your photos. Santorini is on my bucket list. I have always wanted to visit alone. There is something so magical about it. I grew up with Greek and Roman mythology too, and as a result my oldest daughter is now obsessed. I didn’t go alone on this trip, instead I took my husband and girls, we went to Athens, Florence and Rome this March. For a mythology buff, Athens was just so surreal and spectacular.

  59. Turut berbangga ada blog yang ditulis orang Indonesia mendapatkan predikat freshly pressed. So, congratz!

    Kemudian, membaca lebih lanjut ternyata sebuah tulisan dari temannya Ollie yang baru pulang dari Santorini (pasti, pasti, tempat yang indah sekali!) Saya pernah baca sekilas twit-nya Ollie yang dikirimi gambar langit Santorini. So, salam kenal Hanny.

    Seorang teman saya pernah berkata seperti ini: Sometimes you just need a break from people (you’ve known). It gives you room to breath and get your mind right. Dan membaca kesukaan dirimu akan traveling solo, saya rasa itu merupakan cara “break” yang menarik.

    1. Ah, terima kasih banyak! Iya, aku menulis nama Ollie di langit Santorini waktu matahari terbenam 😀 Benar sekali, terkadang bepergian sendirian menjadi “break” bukan hanya dari orang lain, tapi juga dari riuhnya pikiran kita sehari-hari. Ada yang melakukan “break” ini dengan olah raga, meditasi, berdoa, dan saya bepergian 🙂 Salam!

  60. I love traveling alone once in a while as well. You’re right about many things esp about learning things about yourself that you would never learn if you’re always in the company of so many people. It’s not easy for a woman to travel alone so when you do it, it’s really fulfilling. Happy travels!

  61. I agree on what you wrote, Hanny. I did my travel to Chicago last time, lonely. That was splendid. Everyone seems to be nice and welcome when you asked for help. None distruct where you wanna go when you travel lonely. Setuju! 🙂

  62. Very well said, not just about travelling along but also the wonderful place called Santorini. I wish I could do just what you did. Have great travels ahead of you! :]

  63. Nice and brave tradition! Once I visited Greece (my first island in life) I started to like the way islanders live so much, that later on I made several gravel documentaries about European islands. Unfortunately, not Greece. But there is something similar in all islands, don’t you think so?

  64. I really enjoyed reading this post. Thank you for sharing. I find your replies to those people who are in fear of traveling alone INSPIRING.

    Have a good day, cheers!

  65. Excellent post.

    I know exactly what you’re talking about: “Deep down inside, you realize that if things go wrong somehow, you can only rely upon the kindness of fellow strangers or locals you meet along the way” 🙂 So true.



    1. That makes you see everyone as a friend ^^ Cool if we can adopt the same mindset in our daily lives, though… I hope I could, still feels difficult to me :))

  66. Great reflection in choosing to be a solitary sojourner. You’ll surely discover a lot more about yourself by spending some times alone. A deep and meaningful perspective on life, I suppose…


  67. i love the idea – i think more people should do this. it’s a great way to learn about and get comfortable with oneself.

  68. I think of life as a whole an adventure…Traveling alone is the icing on the cake! So glad you have had the chance to experience the freedom. Wonderful post.

  69. Awesome article! It was fascinating to see your take on solo travel, especially because I just recently wrote a similar piece, but from a completely different angle. Great work, and awesome pics.

  70. I think I must have been the happiest person in the world during my times of exploring the Greek Islands – especially Santorini. A friend of mine, after hearing my ravings about the Islands, visited and never came back. He brought a home in Anti Paros.
    I’ve visited often but have been somewhat grounded since marrying and having children. It is my dream to all go as a family.
    Great Blog – thanks for bringing back memories.

  71. I like travelling alone. You get to meet more people, do things you wouldn’t otherwise do, and write a helluva lot! Enjoyed you photos too. If you have time to check it out, I just posted about my own trip to Greece on my blog.

  72. congrats on being freshy pressed! 🙂 you are so right, traveling alone makes a lot of difference to the experiences we make and the people we meet! great post!

  73. I have always wanted to travel alone and usually fear stops me. I have a hard time going to dinner alone, so it’s hard to imagine travel. Yet, there’s this part of me that longs to return to Paris and visit on my own terms; worrying only about my own satisfaction.

    Beautiful story… congrats on being freshly pressed!

  74. I fly a lot alone. Sometimes it is daunting being alone in a country in which you do not know the langauge and no one knows a common language. Thankfully I always know someone at the destination.

    Cool to see that you can do the entire experience solo.

  75. this is such a great writings, photos, and really made me fetched up, couldn’t stop reading! I really hope someday I’ll get the chance to go to Greece, you know what, I’ve been reading those Greek myths since I was a kid and been hoping to see that very ancient civilization for my self 😀 and yea, I like that part in your replies, it’s not the distance that matters, the journey it is.

  76. I am about to start my second adventure traveling alone and am looking forward to the creativity it is sure to bring, there is a powerful surge of artistic fluency that aloneness in the world cultivates in an open soul.

  77. Wondrous photos…
    And, ya know, Something to reflect on everyday, here…. Do you like who you are and are you comfortable with the fact that we all have a myriad of seeds within all our consciousness? Do you water seeds of joy? Do you tend to the seeds well, foster, nuture and be gentle with what grows?

  78. Reblogged this on moonshaman and commented:
    Know Thyself, Accept Thyself, Love Thyself.
    Something to reflect on for everyday…
    With what comes up of your seeds in deep consciousness– Do you tend to those seeds with nurturing acceptance and non-judgment?
    When we *LOVE* deeply where we are at … we find flow and a movement so artistic, so beautiful and we see to drop a habit energy of constricting the moment with ‘good’ & ‘bad.’
    When I’m raging … *I work consiously to* not to take it out on others nor myself… but let the fires cinge up — infinitely spiral up … *without grasping*
    When I’m sad, I move with the oceanic flow of the waters.
    When I’m fearful I furl inward and be seemingly more close, to source.
    When I’m lonely, I look to the sky, the sun, the clouds, the stars, the ether — I see my ancestors & guides… I am then, still, and know that I am never alone.

    ~Gratitude~ to the original writer, here!
    Let’s be comfy w/ ourselves, hey. We’re the best friend we got!

  79. Beautifully written post! I have always found peace and relaxation when traveling alone and agree that I am a bit more cognizant of the generousity and kindness of people in the areas I travel when alone.

  80. Great post. I personally love travelling on my own, but then I don’t mind my own company. I find that you meet more people when you are on your own anyway.

  81. I love to wander around alone. For the same reasons you mention above. This time I am not Anonymous…

  82. Every time I have travelled with people it’s been very difficult to really discover and embrace the new world I’ve encountered. When I traveled to Italy last year and made a trek through the north on my own, I was able to really engage in the culture, meet people who were much different than me, and really experience something new. I loved it. I loved this post

  83. Great photos, I usually end up travelling solo since I am a single girl with friends in lots of cool places. It’s scary and exciting and completely refreshing to be able to do exactly what you want to do.

  84. What I great post! I’ve done a little travelling by myself before, but would love to do more. I agree that you definitely do get to know yourself better, and for me personally it gave me a lot more confidence. I had to overcome shyness in order to meet people and just figure out where I was going, as there was no one else to do it for me! Lovely photos as well, congrats on being freshly pressed!

    1. Can’t agree more on the confidence part and overcoming shyness. I experienced that as well, I am naturally shy and introverted 😀 Thank you again! 🙂

  85. I absolutely adore this:
    ” It’s a great test to see how much you like being in your own company. Do you see yourself as a good friend; someone you can feel comfortable with, or someone you can’t stand? Do you see yourself as someone you can count on to? Will yourself disappoint or fulfill you? Can you make peace with your own thoughts, worries, fears, dreams, passions?”

  86. That is the way to stay, to be a moment in a corner, to impress with some in different places.
    Your photos was really nice , I like your styles.

    Thank to share with the world.

  87. My first trip abroad was to Italy by myself. I learned more about myself in that one month than I had in 4 years of school. It was probably the scariest thing I’d ever done, but also the most amazing. You don’t really know who you are until you’ve gone somewhere far away from home by yourself with nothing but your personality and a bag of clothes. Great post!

    1. Wow, that was awesome! I think it’s about how you are forced to face your fears 🙂 That what makes it memorable. Have just wandered around your blog, David. I really really love the way you write! Your words and thoughts are beautiful. Oh, and looove the cat :))

      1. Thank you!! That really means a lot to hear. I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog as well because your photos & stories are great and I really can relate to some of them. Yes, Poon Poon is quite the cat. He can be kind of a monster too 🙂

  88. something I can relate to. I, too, try to travel alone at least once a year (usually on my birthday), something I did last year. I love the thrill of going to an unknown place alone, scary and exciting at the same time 🙂

  89. This is a very beautiful article and I love everything about it. I love the idea of finding yourself by yourself and adding travel to gain knowledge on things you never knew before. I can’t wait to peruse the rest of your blog!

  90. It has always been too awkward to me to travel alone, but I shall try it. Santorini seems extremely beautiful. I first came across it in the Traveling Pants Sisterhood, a nice teenagery movie.

    1. I didn’t watch the movie but read the book 🙂 Santorini, I think, would be a great place to start your solo traveling journey. It’s a small island, very pretty, everything is so nearby, and most of the people speak English, so… quite a convenient destination 🙂

  91. Great post, and idea. During the early part of my career, I was building a world-wide semiconductor design and mfg company. For more than a decade, I flew over 200,000 miles per year for business, and all of it was solo. You learn to rely on yourself in ways one wouldn’t imagine had one not traveled alone. Naturally, I would have preferred that my then wife would have accompanied me on some of those trips to Asia and Europe, but it was not to be, she hated flying.

    Congrats on being freshly pressed.

  92. So amazing 🙂 Love the photos. I’m a huge fan of traveling alone and can’t thank you enough for articulating exactly why- I find I learn so much more about who I am, and become so much more comfortable with who that is, when I am out doing things by myself. Great post 🙂 I love Greece, enjoy!

  93. I would love to this one day; travelling alone. But I’m afraid, I’m almost always too shy to be on my own. But then again, the part when you said how travelling alone is to travel with my self, and how I see myself as a good friend kind of thing, and all that, offered me a fresh new perspective in the solitude travelling thing… very nice. Lovely, lovely!

    1. I am a shy person as well 😛 Traveling alone in one and other way forces me to be more open, to talk to people, to ask questions, so I think it’s a good learning ground for me ^^

    1. Thank you so much! Oh, maybe you just haven’t found the urge to do so, and it’s OK, too! As long as we can enjoy life and live it to the fullest! Thanks again, Val! 🙂

  94. It’s amazing what traveling can do for the spirit!! Exploring languages, culture, music throughout the world is an enriching experience that can not be explained or replicated. One must actually experience it to feel it’s depth and beauty. What was one of your most powerful experiences you had while travelling ??

    1. The opportunities to connect. To understand that people are generally nice if you treat them as a nice person and see them with a pair of kind eyes. I’m quite surprised about this, but in my busy (daily) lives, most of the times I (feel like) I don’t have time to stop or chat with strangers—don’t feel the need to; but when I travel, when I slow down, when I am not in a hurry, not having to chase the bus or the train, I realized that I can really relate and connect with people, with strangers I meet on the street; and when I give my time and attention to them, they respond and give back. My friend Bina Shah, said that kindness is like electricity, it keeps flowing wherever it finds a connection. I think she is right 🙂

  95. That’s for me, i love travel alone too. Because i don’t like a lot of people around me to tell me what to do while traveling. It’s very good to be with myself, on my own. Thanks for writing such a post 🙂
    P.S. Wish you good luck about your blog and your life 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by! Love to know that there are quite a lot of people who appreciate the art of traveling alone, and have experienced the same thing, too! 🙂

  96. i’ve been having the itch to go on a solo journey as well. besides the logistical issues of getting everyone to buy tickets, book hotels, select activities, etc, I have also definitely have been craving some self-reflection and alone time as of late. Gotta put it on the to-do list. 🙂

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!


  97. Hi Hanny! I checked your profile and we are actually of the same age. How I wish I could travel to Santorini too.

    I can understand the happiness and meaning you gained from traveling alone. I just started to see the world on my own last year. I took my first flight and trip abroad last year and all my worries and fears faded as I discovered the peace and fulfillment of seeing new places and other people on my own. Wishing you more traveling opportunities. Congratulations for making it in the freshly pressed.

  98. Great post! I travel alone a lot, for business, and I’ve found that I like it. it’s made me more comfortable with myself AND I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want it. Which is soooo the best part. 😉

  99. Hi Hanny..salam kenal..^^
    I love your post..sound you have amazing holiday..ngiri deh..
    BTW those photos are cool..
    Aku tambahin ah blog kamu jadi salah satu favorit aku.. boleh ya.. 🙂
    keep bloging ya Hanny..

  100. This is a great piece and interesting photos. That would be great about traveling alone….picking the shots that you find interesting and not having to hurry along for anyone else

  101. I’ve always loved traveling alone because of the rush it gives me. There’s nothing like being alone in a foreign country, knowing you only have yourself to rely on in order to figure out where you need to go, and only yourself to nag you to go out and find all the interesting parts of whatever place you’re in.

  102. I will be traveling alone soon to Japan. I think your words are very wise and interesting to think about. It really does tell you a lot about yourself to be alone.

    1. Of course some parts of the world are “safer” than others, but I think, it’s also important how we carry ourselves, and the state of mind we’re in 🙂 Santorini is amazing, indeed! Have fun in China!

  103. Santorini | 1. The Art of Travelling Alone

    Santorini | 1. The Art of Travelling Alone.

    I travelled on my own to Europe for six weeks back in 1978 when I was in my mid 20s. Had a great time, with one rather frightening experience which could have ended badly, but I managed to get out of the situation and back to safety after four hours. Am glad I made the trip, but not sure I would do it alone again. Good luck to you, hope you continue to have great experiences. Anne

  104. i second that too – traveling alone. i wanna do that one day. but traveling with friends is also fun in a different way. it saves money if you share a room in a nice hotel 😉 santorini is simply breathtaking as everyone says but i haven’t been there. my next bucket list. great post!

  105. Santorini, you’re damn right about viewing everyone you meet as a friend when you travel alone. I do that often and i find my mind opening up, and the usual barriers and prejudices towards people and new things, lifting…it’s freedom, unfettered. Amen to the lonely traveler 🙂

  106. This is also one of my dream destinations!

    And I cannot agree with you more on this one, “I always believe that everything—no matter how small, no matter how big, starts with the courage to dream. ”

    Everything starts with a dream. 🙂

  107. Thank you for this amazing post. I am heading out on my very own solo adventure in a few months, and it was good comfort to read your insight in to traveling alone. All the things you said are all things that I have thought and hoped that my trip will be 🙂 fingers crossed 😉

  108. last november i visited Sikkim, in India, alone. n felt d sweetness n joy of travelling alone. an awesome experience. after reading this blog, i should share that. it’s a wonderful experience. people say i’m self centered. but i’ll say, everybody should get “self-centered” like this, once or they’ll miss something…

    1. Sikkim? India is my wish list but I have never heard about Sikkim. Will find some more info on the destination, or probably read your blog once you’ve written about it 😀

  109. Truly and beautifully expressed. Thank you. I too prefer to travel alone – it gives me the freedom to do entirely as I wish, and also gives me thinking space. Being removed completely from your ordinary daily cycles gives thoughts a new & different perspective. Which nearly always helps.

  110. Lovely post: I really was drawn to your thought “you realize that if things go wrong somehow, you can only rely upon the kindness of fellow strangers or locals you meet along the way.” I traveled alone many times and this is so true. And you have to rely on yourself too and learn how to learn 🙂

  111. Your pictures are so perfect, I’m jealous I try but I can never shoot a picture that perfect. Also I love your flow with words about your traveling. Nice posting!

  112. This is great, I love traveling alone. Not only does it give you time to explore where, when, and how you want, but it gives you all the time you need to reflect and enjoy all the moments you have. 😀

  113. I agree, if one can’t be in one’s own presence, how can one be present in any other. I was in New Orleans last summer for a few days alone, it was great to explore and do as I please, finding the peace with my thoughts, feelings, fears and dreams. Great post…for me, the fairytale didn’t let me let go… it caught me and woke me up from reality. If you’re curious, I have a blog it’s about me waking up to the dream I’ve held onto most of my life and ended up living it. Be well ~Kristy

  114. At least ! Someone who understands me ! Nobody understands why I like to travel alone. Well, at least I know there are more people like me 😉 By the way, the pictures are very good !

  115. At last ! Someone who understands me ! Nobody understands why I like to travel alone. Well, at least I know there are more people like me 😉 By the way, the pictures are very good !

  116. three letters. wow! I never seen an Indonesian blogger on freshly pressed before, congratz! and I read through, I am so liking you. the photos, the writing and the ideas. need to learn a lot from you 🙂 mostly I love this one: “I always believe that everything—no matter how small, no matter how big, starts with the courage to dream. And until today, there’s always a place for fairy tale in this world. When you’re patient enough to hold on to it, you can have your own, too. just. don’t. let go.” Thanks. I am now more fueled to chance my dream. cheers!

  117. I spent a few years traveling alone and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I would recommend it to anybody.

  118. I’ve been doing a lot of travel on my own lately, occasionally mixed with travel with friends, and there truly is a great difference between the two. I know people who subscribe exclusively to one or the other, and I understand their reasons, but for me there is so much that each offers that it is difficult to imagine choosing one over the other for good. I liked the way you discussed your choice to make time to travel alone. It’s brave and it’s wise. And the notion that you get to know yourself is something I feel very strongly about. It’s incredible how close we become with ourselves when we put ourselves in situations beyond the help and reach of people we know. What a beautiful experience it is.

    1. That’s a beautiful comment. Nicely put 🙂 I do enjoy traveling with a bunch of friends as much as I enjoy traveling alone. The two are just providing you with different kind of experience, lessons, and happiness 🙂 Good luck for your future travel! Madagascar? ^^ Sounds amazing!

      1. I completely agree, and it’s those different experiences and lessons that make us appreciate the happiness that we find (or that finds us!). I am very excited about Madagascar and will definitely have a lot to say about it on the blog. November is too far away…

  119. Hi there, planning to go there soon. I have to agree completely with your statement “I always believe that everything—no matter how small, no matter how big, starts with the courage to dream”
    I too, a big dreamer, some say it’s foolish, but i see it as my motivation.
    Starting with putting Santorini’s view as my desktop wallpaper ;p
    Thank you for sharing this 🙂

  120. Hi Hanny,
    Waktu itu ke Santorini pakai maskapai apa yah? Dari Jakarta kah?
    Lagi cari2 buat tau kira2 harus nabung berapa lama buat ke sana gara2 baca ceritamu di The Journeys 3. 🙂

  121. Ive tagged along on business trips with my sister where i have had the days to myself to travel and do whatever i like. I really enjoy being able to wander around at my own pace. if i decide i am wrecked and fed up of culture.. maybe i want to go to a shopping mall and cinema trip no one can judge me.. and if i want to spend a little longer at an certain place .. you can just meander along at your own pace. I am always threatening to go off by myself. its lovely to read about someone who does 🙂

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Screenshot 2022-10-05 at 16.18.53
I haven't been writing a lot these past two years. I haven't been sharing a lot as well. I didn't have the mental capacity to do so. Moving to Amsterdam during the pandemic—with lockdowns and curfews, far from friends and families, didn't sit well with me. I was sad most of the time. Angry, other times.
Hanny illustrator
I am an Indonesian writer/artist/illustrator and stationery web shop owner (Cafe Analog) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I love facilitating writing/creative workshops and retreats, especially when they are tied to self-exploration and self-expression. In Indonesian, 'beradadisini' means being here. So, here I am, documenting life—one word at a time.
