I always love Hong Kong—either for strolling around, shopping, writing and sketching, taking pictures, or simply lazying in an open-air coffee shop, reading a good book—the city never fails me. The people, the weather, the smell of seafood grilled over charcoal, the bustling sound of the crossings, the tramways, the light bulbs… somehow all feels magical and romantic. The city represents everything that’s new and everything that’s old: like the past, present and future, merged into one. It’s also for these reasons Hong Kong came up to be a city with great significance in my book #28Days. This is how Hong Kong looks like from the eyes of the girl character in the book:
Sometimes, we become so fixated on what's right in front of us that we lose sight of anything else. We pour all our thoughts and energy into a single pursuit or problem.
13 Responses
What a story and what a lovely pictures you have.
a simple yet communicate pictures
Thank you! 🙂
Wait, latar belakang buku 28 Hari itu di Hongkong? *gak ngeh sama sekali* 😀
Episode yang signifikan terjadi di HongKong 😉 Waktu mereka flashback tentang memori di The Peak, jalan-jalan di Tsim Sha Tsui, naik trem, terus ketemuan lagi di Sky Terrace ketika cowoknya launching buku foto, sampai memutuskan meninggalkan cowok itu ketika duudk di HongKong International Airport nunggu penerbangan ke Jakarta 😀
Ooo I see I see…mohon jangan disambit, tapi dalam bayanganku, ini terjadi di Bandung. Ampun 😀
BWAHAHAHAHAHA :)) Kan di situ ada tulisannya HongKong 😛 *sambit sandal jepit*
Baik, Kakak….aku akan baca ulang lagi bukunya, dan (mungkin) tenggelam lagi dengan ceritanya. Bedanya mungkin, waktu pertama kali baca sewaktu pulang dari UWRF 2011 di pesawat jadi suasananya megang banget. Tapi tetap gak ngeh kalo ini di Hongkong! Maap 😀
kenapa kita kemarin tidak bertemu Ciboooooo… huhuhuhu
Aku pun tak tahuuuu!!! Bisa-bisanya Chika ketemu Ong (- -‘) *nangis*
aku pun bertemu Ong, juga Jonte dan Stephanie… Tapi tidak dirimu.. huhuhuhu 🙁
hanyiiii aku suka fotonyaaaa!
aku sedih kita tak bisa bertemuuu di hong kong! ayo janjian di hong kong lagi!