Tau macaroon, nggak? Ini sebenarnya mirip-mirip merengue yang terbuat dari putih telur yang dikocok sampai kaku. Biasanya dicampur gula, biar manis, terus dipanggang. Karena terbuat dari putih telur aja, dan nggak pakai tepung, adonannya ringan, dan begitu ditaruh di atas lidah… langsung meleleh, deh! Biasanya merengue nggak ada filling/isinya, jadi katakanlah macaroon itu semacam merengue yang pakai macam-macam filling πŸ˜€

Karena di Le Codefin, Kemang, ada yang jualan macaroon, saya dan Nena nggak tahan untuk nggak beli. Lihat saja, bentuk dan warnanya imut-imut begitu!

Ini macaroon yang brand-nya Maca Express; harganya 10ribu sekeping. Cih. Lumayan mahal, mengingat betapa kecil ukurannya, dan betapa cepat dia akan meleleh di dalam mulut. Tapi, sudahlah, akhirnya kami tergoda membeli 5 keping: rasa green tea, peach, strawberry, blueberry, dan passion fruit.

Buat yang masih penasaran soal macaroon, penjelasan panjang tentang macaroon bisa dibaca di artikel Wikipedia ini:

The word macaroon is applied to a variety of light, baked confections, described as either small cakes or meringue-like cookies depending on their consistency. The original macaroon was a “small sweet cake consisting largely of ground almonds”[1] similar to Italian amaretti. Today, other common varieties include the coconut macaroon and the French macaroon or macaron, which can have various flavourings and is typically cream-filled.

The English word macaroon and French macaron come from the Italian maccarone or maccherone. This word is itself derived from ammaccare, meaning crush or beat,[2] used here in reference to the almond paste which is the principal ingredient.

Most recipes call for egg whites (usually whipped to stiff peaks), with ground or powdered nuts, generally almond or coconut. Almost all call for sugar. Macaroons are commonly baked on edible rice paper placed on a baking tray.


*)images courtesy of Unspun


16 Responses

    1. gampang banget, chiiicccc!!!! apalagi kalo abis lebaran banyak sisa putih telur, itu tinggal kocok ajaaaahhh πŸ˜€ trus dibentuk kecil-kecil pakai kertas segitiga πŸ˜€ dikasih pewarna dikiiiit aja, biar warnanya pastel πŸ˜€

  1. mahal amat… 10rb perkeping? macaroon enak banget.. kalo makan 5 doang, kurang kaleee… hiks..hiks…

    iya mahal ga sopyaaaannnn πŸ˜€

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The view from De Klok
I took another digital detox this weekendβ€”I limited myself to a 5-minute screen time on Saturday and Sunday to quickly check my business account. I closed my social media account for the rest of the days.
We tend to shape our memories of them based on the limited time we spend with themβ€”and our memories of them, over time, will be replaced with one single word, one single interaction, or one single feeling.
Hanny illustrator
I am an Indonesian writer/artist/illustrator and stationery web shop owner (Cafe Analog) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I love facilitating writing/creative workshops and retreats, especially when they are tied to self-exploration and self-expression. In Indonesian, 'beradadisini' means being here. So, here I am, documenting lifeβ€”one word at a time.
