The most comfortable feeling in the world is when I’m squeezing marshmallow, or sitting lazily at Coffee Bean: slurping Sunrise and enjoying the yellowish view of Chicago Cheese Cake,
or gazing admirably at a talented friend, who was drawing Coin A Chance! mascot on her Wacom,
or, as my bestfriend put it, the most comfortable feeling in the world also involve having too much coffee plus staring blankly at the sky for far too long. Or even performing this stupid Chicken Dance and singing meow-meow cat song…
or having an unbelievable 12-hour shopping trip in Bandung with some hip girls…
The moral of this unessential posting is: “Life is indeed beautiful!” 🙂
9 Responses
life is indeed beautiful.. at least the one that exists in your world ^^ and today seems to be exceptionally wonderful isnt it?
i wonder why..
I wonder how. I wonder why. Yesterday you told me ’bout the blue blue sky… *nyanyi*
(peluk2 nia)
Waaa! Kemaren Kapkap saya suruh ngeliatin hasil doodlingnya di Twitter ndak mau, tapi dipajang disini juga 😆
Marshmallow …*ngiler* Jadi inget video ini. Lucuu! 😆
Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.
Errr… videonya kok ndak bisa diembed disini *dikeplak*
waaah theme-nya gantiii… 😀
gambar mukonya lucuuuuu!! kapkap heibat! 😀
@cK so how do u like the new theme? :p
theme barunya hanny cantikk… 😀
nyamm.. ciskek nya bikin ngiler… *drooling*
life as always beautiful, and don’t need any additives just to make it more beautiful..
Ee.. life-nya Hanny emang beautiful… 🙄
/minum teh kotak
//ke kafe mahal 🙁