Part 1. Farewell …

Pas mau berangkat dari rumah jam 6:30 pagi gitu, saya baru sempet ngeliat handphone lagi (setelah semalem saya charge di deket TV). Ternyata ada SMS dari Jonte: “Litik daku pamit dl ya. Tekker ya… Keep in touch ya. Sukses ya”. Ha? Dan saya pun me-reply message itu, nanya dia naik flight yang jam berapa. Teryata yang bales SMS itu malah his lil’ sister, Thya.

Dia bilang Jonte udah berangkat naik flight yang jam 6 pagi. HAH? Trus saya liat lagi SMS dari Jonte dan ternyata SMS itu dikirim jam 00:34. Walahhh… maaf, bro! Saya udah tidur banget kali jam segitu ya, sampe nggak denger SMS.

Menyebalkan, ih! Orang pamit kok tengah malem! Kenapa nggak kemarin sore, gitu? Gak bilang-bilang lagi mau naik penerbangan yang sepagi itu!

Aduh, tapi jadi merasa bersalah juga nih, belum sempet saying goodbye! Tapi nggak usah, lah. Tahun depan balik lagi aja ke sini yaaa… hehehe, atau saya yang nyusul ke sana? (Bener ya, janjinya akomodasi plus makan gratis… si Chris harus ikutan nyumbang buat biaya hidupku sebulan di sana!).

Trus hari ini juga, Mas Deddy cabut dari kantor. Meninggalkan suvenir berupa post-it warna-warni. Dan kemarin saya masih sempet “mencuri” buku dia (NAKED MARKETING) yang saya kebut habis kemarin malam sebelum tidur, dan di dalam bis dari Bogor ke UKI pagi-pagi.

Yah, later on next week it’ll gonna be my turn to say “goodbye”. Eh, jangan ah, I’ll just say “CU later!”—karena saya memang pengen ketemu lagi sama semuanya, and I’ll manage to skip some times so I could hang around with “GATESTERS” (komunitas GATES … hehehe ^_^).

Part 2. The Love Story Continues …

Kemarin sempet dengerin lagunya Usher yang “Separated” 4-5 kali. Dan jadi mellow gitu, deh. Hehehe. Dasarrr kerjaannya mellow terus neh belakangan ini. Di rumah juga dengerin Did You Ever Loved Somebody (Jessica Simpson) dari OST.nya Dawson’s Creek berkali-kali. Liriknya itu, lho!

Did you ever love somebody so much that the earth moved?
Did you ever love somebody even though it hurts to?
Did you ever love somebody nothing else your heart could do?
Did you ever love somebody who never knew?

Did you ever lay your head down on the shoulder of a good friend
And then had to look away somehow, had to hide the way you felt for them
Have you ever prayed the day would come
You’d hear them say they feel it too
Did you ever love someone who never knew?

I do.

And if you did, well, you know I’d understand
I could, I would, more than anybody can … Did you ever love somebody like I love you…?

(Huaaaa … kisah nyataaaaaaa ;p hehehehe. “Kena” banget tuh lagunya!)

Kemarin itu saya sempet bilang that I want to be able to fall in love again. And you know, what? I think I AM falling in love!!! ^_^ No, probably, it’s just a lil’ crush, but however, it’s nice (after such long time) to have those lil’ butterflies flying in my stomach once again everytime I stand next to him, everytime I see his silhouette from a distance, take a glimpse of him passing by… his voice, his smile, his gestures… everything about him makes my day a lil’ bit brighter by the minute!

This is what I like the most from falling in love. I blush, I smile, I laugh, I sing, I whistle. Even in my lowest, the images of him could make me soar. ^_^

Probably that’s the greatest thing of falling in love. It’s not about whether you’re gonna get that guy or not. It’s not about whether you’re going to smile or cry in the end.

It’s all about how love could make you become such a better person.

A person with hope and dreams.
A person who believes in miracles…


If you made it this, far, please say 'hi'. It really means a lot to me! :)

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We tend to shape our memories of them based on the limited time we spend with them—and our memories of them, over time, will be replaced with one single word, one single interaction, or one single feeling.
Beradadisini Love Letter to Self
I took up a personal journaling project this week: writing a love letter to myself before bed. I work on a thin A6-size handmade paper journal I got from a paper artist, Els. The journal is thin and small enough, so it doesn't overwhelm me. It feels like I am only going to work on a small project.
Hanny illustrator
I am an Indonesian writer/artist/illustrator and stationery web shop owner (Cafe Analog) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I love facilitating writing/creative workshops and retreats, especially when they are tied to self-exploration and self-expression. In Indonesian, 'beradadisini' means being here. So, here I am, documenting life—one word at a time.
