Bogor Botanical Garden is one of my favorite places in my hometown. It’s always nice to get lost in the lush canopy of green, daydreaming by the lotus pond, or reading some good books while sitting cross-legged on the grass. Built during the Dutch colonial period by Stamford Raffles, the garden houses more than 15,000 species of trees and plants, covering an area of 80 hectares. I always love to see my City of Rain as a fried egg: the yellow part is the Botanical Garden, and the white part is the town–all around it. I went to the Botanical Garden again with Patricia, Ewan, and Vidi. It was a spontaneous decision, actually.

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Bogor Botanical Garden


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A few days before, I had just decided to let go and move on from something that had tied me down and made me sad. It was difficult, but like my dear friend Ollie said, we’ll get better at overcoming heartbreaks. And she is right. Being in the outdoors was good for me: laughing, walking for hours, taking pictures, telling stories, making jokes, eating out. For the first time after such a bad few weeks, I felt whole again. I felt genuinely happy and free. Suddenly the world turned beautiful once again.

In two days, I’ll be off to India, visiting Mumbai, Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Again, I am hitting the road, meeting people, enjoying life, reuniting with old friends, counting my blessings, and loving myself. And when people ask me how-are-you-doing, I can just give them a huge smile and say I-am-doing-great and it’ll feel so damn good because I know that this time, I am telling the truth.

Happy Valentine’s Day, lovelies!



22 Responses

  1. “my City of Rain, as a fried egg” – a beautiful post, uplifting, and especially the end, when people ask you how you are: you remind me once again of me: you make my heart melt. Thank you for your words dear heart xx

      1. The first time I took a photo of the “morning” I thought it would be something you would do, I am so pleased you like, it, I enjoy taking them on the weekend when the mornings start as early as in the week but they have a better feeling to them. Miss you love <3

      1. iyah mba, hutannya deket ama rumah tapi baru sempet ke sana. wess kalo yg ini hutan hujan tropis banyak pacet, hehehehhe, kalo photoshot keren kayanya. pada banyak bawa kamera yg pake teropong (maksudnya kamera canggih). LOL

  2. i like fried egg
    and the stillness of lotus pond
    the lost-looking mouse deer
    and the yellow kite trapped in funny-looking tree
    i too find heavenly sight of softened gaze and concealed smiles
    streaks of sun rays webbing through the canopies
    i find them insanely pure
    as seasons wrinkled against perdu pokok
    crushed falling leaves
    and death of a flower.

    how again do people move on
    when time has simply refuse to age.

      1. credits to your poetic photos to begin with. eyes could never tell a lie.
        they captured everything. even sometimes unmistakably poignant.

If you made it this, far, please say 'hi'. It really means a lot to me! :)

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We tend to shape our memories of them based on the limited time we spend with them—and our memories of them, over time, will be replaced with one single word, one single interaction, or one single feeling.
Beradadisini Love Letter to Self
I took up a personal journaling project this week: writing a love letter to myself before bed. I work on a thin A6-size handmade paper journal I got from a paper artist, Els. The journal is thin and small enough, so it doesn't overwhelm me. It feels like I am only going to work on a small project.
Standing up for yourself does not have to look aggressive. It does not have to feel like a fight. It's not always about convincing others or explaining yourself and your decisions with the hope that everyone else understands or accepts your choice.
Hanny illustrator
I am an Indonesian writer/artist/illustrator and stationery web shop owner (Cafe Analog) based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I love facilitating writing/creative workshops and retreats, especially when they are tied to self-exploration and self-expression. In Indonesian, 'beradadisini' means being here. So, here I am, documenting life—one word at a time.
